
Showing posts from December, 2019

दिल्ली में राष्ट्रीय सहकारी विकास निगम की इमारत

The building of NCDC (National Cooperative Development Corp) at Siri Fort Road, New Delhi is unique in its design. It is also called "Pajama Building" because of its unique architecture. Article: (C) दैनिक जागरण

दिल्ली के सीलमपुर का इतिहास

दिल्ली का सीलमपुर मुगल-कालीन गांव है, जहाँ आज गुर्जर और मुस्लिम समुदाय के लोगों का बाहुल्य है. स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन में गांव ने अहम भूमिका निभाई थी. यहाँ एक प्राचीन शिव मंदिर और भूमिया खेड़ा देवता का मंदिर है. गाँव में आज भी समाज ने अपनी कई परम्पराएँ जीवित रखी हैं. दैनिक जागरण में प्रकाशित लेख: The history of Seelampur village of Delhi is about 300 years old. This is a Mughal-era village which got its name from Salim, one of the sons of Mughal ruler Akbar. Currently this village is inhabited largely by people from Gurjar Hindus and Muslim communities. The village has got a very old Shiv Temple where people worship today. The village has also got a Bhumia Kheda Deity Temple. Elders in the village tell that in old times the village had 5 wells for water; one was for Ravidas community, one for Valmiki community and 3 were for Gurjars. The village had taken prominent part in India's independence movement. 

भरतपुर के राजा सूरजमल का इतिहास

भरतपुर के राजा सूरजमल की कहानी; नलिन चौहान की जबानी सौजन्य: दैनिक जागरण

दिल्ली के गांवड़ी गाँव का इतिहास


Khilafat Andolan and Congress Party

India is separated by Turkey by nearly 4,500 kilometres. If someone in 1919 were to get on horseback or in a jeep in New Delhi, he would have needed to pass through almost the entire length of Iran before entering Turkey. In 1914, present-day Pakistan was an integral part of Hindustan, hence I am stating that to reach Turkey from India one only had to pass through Iran. And if one were to board a ship at the port of Bombay, he would have needed to sail over the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, the Suez Canal, the river Nile, the Mediterranean Sea and at least nine more seas/canals/rivers before reaching the port of Istanbul in Turkey. The moot point I am making here that India in 1919 had very little to do with Turkey in 1919. There was almost zero people-to-people contact between the people of India and the people of Turkey. The latter was part of the Ottoman empire that was led by a caliph. The Ottoman empire had fought alongside the central powers (Germany, Austri...